Kate Reads

Gone with the Wolf - Kristin Miller

Gone with the Wolf was an adorable paranormal romance that hit a lot of my romance novel buttons. It's got two strong main characters who have a lot of chemistry, and some interesting new werewolf mythology to learn about. Well written and fun, it is a great start to a new series.


I’m a sucker for a boss/employee romance. Double that if one of them doesn't know the other is the boss when they first meet. Emelia has a bit of a grudge against Drake so it is even more amusing when she discovers she’d been drinking his wine from his wine cellar right in front of him at the night of the company’s holiday party. I really liked Drake- at the end of the day, all he wanted to do was to make Emelia happy, even if it meant she didn't end up with him. And Emelia was the type of heroine I like, too, in that she was very adamant about maintaining her individuality and independence, even in the face of all Drake’s wealth. She’s really good at what she does, and she wants to keep doing it, not just give it up since she found a significant other.


My biggest problem with Gone with the Wolf was that the conflict was resolved relatively easily. There were few obstacles to Drake and Emelia being together, and at least one of them was dismissed so off-handedly I wondered why it had been an issue in the first place. The other thing was that there was every single type of romance conflict. There was the evil villain, determined to separate the couple, plus there was the “oh we are from such different worlds” thinking on Emelia's part. Not to mention Drake worrying that Emelia can’t bear his children and his concern that she won’t accept him because he’s werewolf.Despite my issue with the book, there was a lot to like, and I would definitely recommend this one if you like sexy billionaires, werewolves and cute bartenders. I can’t wait to see where this series goes- I am curious who’ll be starring in the next book!